No More Social Media, Now What?

4 min readFeb 2, 2021

The Social Less Chick

So, it has been 3 days since I’ve given up social media. Which means it has been 3 days since I’ve cooed at puppy and baby pics, laughed at inappropriate memes, traveled vicariously to the tropics or Europe, drooled at mouthwatering, calorie laden food porn. This also means it has been 3 days since I’ve posted a really cute picture of me in hopes of grabbing an ex’s attention, making him wish he never lost me. Posting a status that sought after “likes” and “comments”, which oh shit, I thrived on! So, it has been 3 days since I gave it all up. Now what the hell do I do?

People say, “oh this a is great time to focus on YOU”. Huh? Basically, I get to learn about myself.

But omg, I’m so nosy, I love the attention from my posts, I’m so bored. I looked online for 100 Things to do Besides Social Media. Yoga and Meditation made the top of the list. …. Yoga, sounds so relaxing. But seriously I would fall asleep in a downward dog position. Meditating on the back porch? My ADD is so far off the chart… “breath in….. ex….. how long would it take for a centipede to put on shoes?” My whole purpose of finding my authentic self needs to be real as possible. Basically, dealing with the shit I’ve neglected for years; my weight, my insecurities and expectation from society. Society is a bitch by the way.




New blogger blogging from anything from self love, relationships to making a change. Follow me and let’s build each other up. Succeed together.